CHAMP (Capital Heritage Archives Management Portal) is a digital preservation system managed by Capital Group's Corporate Archives team. This central repository for the Corporate Archives collections is for use by Capital Group Associates – and where restrictions allow – by Capital Group’s authorized partners.


All photographs, documents, publications, audiovisual content, and other items in this database are from the Corporate Archives collections and may be protected by U.S. or international copyright laws and by data protection or privacy laws and publicity rights laws. By viewing, downloading, printing, quoting from, or otherwise using images and content from this site, the user agrees to abide by all applicable laws and the terms of use below.

The relevant Capital Group internal data protection policies (
U.S.) (Europe) also apply to use of any personal data under these terms.

Licensing and Usage Restrictions

It is the user’s responsibility to observe all access, permissions, rights, and licensing restrictions indicated on each record.

  • Asset records are identified with rights information which allows only the stated use:
    • For CG internal use only
      • For internal projects only. Based on user access levels and permissions, CG Associates may download an asset, depending on download and watermark presets, without submitting a request. Internal projects include, but are not limited to, presentations for purely internal events, internal communications (such as team, group or office-wide emails or notices), internal publications (such as newsletters), and internal meetings and events. Any external use must be reviewed and approved via “Submit Request” process in advance of the use.
    • Rights may be restricted. Please contact Corporate Archives.
      • Based on user access levels and permissions, CG Associates may download an asset, depending on download and watermark presets, without submitting a request. Any internal and external use for non-watermarked assets must be reviewed and approved via “Submit Request” process in advance of the use.
    • External use permitted
      • Based on user access levels and permissions, CG Associates may download an asset, depending on download and watermark presets, without submitting a request. In this case, “External use” specifically includes: CG publications such as annual reports, HR materials, recruitment and product brochures, together with non-marketing external uses such as CG websites, conference websites where CG is speaking and/or sponsoring, or in connection with a publication of an associate’s article or interview in a journal or trade magazine. Any other marketing or external use must be reviewed and approved via “Submit Request” process in advance of the use.  
  • Where noted, use of assets may require approval from CG’s Legal and/or Compliance groups for internal and/or external use. You must allow sufficient time before your use to obtain such approval, or if denied find alternative assets.
  • Any approval for asset use is for one-time use. Do not copy and/or distribute or re-use approved assets without seeking additional approval.
  • For rights-managed images where In Copyright is noted and/or License Holder is listed, users may need to negotiate and purchase new usage rights for external use.
  • Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may result in loss of privileges in using CHAMP.


In line with usage rights and approval, if items are referenced or reproduced in any format, the user should cite “Capital Group Corporate Archives” as the source of the original material with the appropriate copyright notice in the form of “Copyright © 2020 Capital Group. All rights reserved”.


For assets where an author, creator, photographer or studio is noted, they must also be credited.


Data Protection

The following provisions are in addition to and supplemental to any Capital Group data protection notice, privacy policy and the data protection notices in the Associate Handbook.

Data submitted to the CHAMP archive or processed within it may contain personal data or personally identifiable information (PII) of associates including: photographs and headshots, work-related biographies, achievements and awards, articles and other publications, attendances at events, and internal work-related correspondence such as memorandums or notices.


The data is collected from various internal Capital Group sources including HR, Marketing and departmental or business group managers and individual submissions.

The legal basis for the collection and processing data is archiving in the public interest and the pursuance of the legitimate interests of Capital Group companies, including preserving historical records and showing compliance with applicable rules or law.


The purposes of processing include supporting associate engagement, development, recruitment, D&I, company culture through internal communication and training, recognition of associates’ achievements or milestones; documenting history of Capital Group companies, locations or business groups; recording historical and current CG processes and business practices; facilitating internal research to support ongoing operations; and, principally for current associates, authorized PR and marketing purposes in accordance with the Associate Handbook.


Data may be shared with Capital Group Associates and external third parties for the above purposes. Data is stored in the USA, UK and EEA.